Friday, December 2, 2011

Yeah I am not alone!

Thanks for responding!! I t is always a relief when you feel like you are not alone. Intellectually one can know that but it is much different on an emotional level. Sort it out is the hard part. What do we do? How do we do it once we decide? I was thinking that the blogger of the 2000's is like the coffee clutch of the 1950, 1960, to what the play ground was to us with our kids in the 1980's.  It is important to have a network of friends and people you can share you thoughts and ideas with. Being a psychotherapist part time certainly has biased me to believe that talking and writing help..a lot! Ergo the BLOG!! SO I think talking to lots of women which I have started to do has made me realize that there is huge source of women power who are  creative, interesting and want to do something else with their lives. I have been taking to a cousin of mine and we are going to hopefully do a volunteer project to help vets coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan. Will keep you posted as it becomes solidified.  yours  in empty nesting.

Monday, November 28, 2011

What to do next?

So this is my first entry to my new blog that I suspect won't be read but here goes any way. Writing is always good for the soul!! I had been a stay at home mother wanting to raise my kids feeling that that was the most important job that I could have.ATTEMPTING to  raise two emotionally health and vibrant human beings that was my goal. I was trained as a clinical social worker and felt being home for me was crucial. OK scroll down 20 years later they are more or less hatched I think I have done  a good and decent job MY husband also being there although working 60 hour weeks . But that is another colume!!. MY daughter has a graduate degree a career and a lovely boyfreind. My son has a degree and starting a career in commercial real estate. OK both  are on their way!  Where am I what do I want to do trying to think of ideas volunteering starting a small business helping vets so many choices not sure what to do. Any one out there who feels like this does something resonate with soemone?? LET ME KNOW  Will be back later or tomorrow.  Yours in empty nestting!